Vitamin D Is Good For Healing Scars

Vitamin D Is Good For Healing Scars

What Vitamin D Is Good For Healing Wounds?

A study by the University of Birmingham, UK, has found that those patients with the highest levels of vitamin D from sunshine experienced better wound and scar healing than those with lower vitamin D levels.

D3 is a hormone useful for increasing testosterone levels and is produced by the body, naturally when the skin is exposed to sunshine.

These latest university findings have demonstrated that higher levels of vitamin D3 have helped patients with serious burns suffer less from complications, left less scaring and have helped improve the healing of the wounds.

Further studies in the past have proven that vitamin D is also good to help decrease levels of inflammation as well as reducing the reddening of skin and swelling after experiencing sunburn.

It is theorized that it is why the body produces vitamin D3, in particular when exposed to sunlight.

This paves the way to potentially introduce the cost effective supplements as a wound and scar healing therapy.

The studies compiled and overseen by Professor Janet Lord of the team from the Institute of Inflammation and Aging, University of Birmingham concluded that those patients with low levels of vitamin D are associated with those who experience the worst outcomes for burn patients which include:

  • life threatening infection
  • death
  • delayed wound healing

Those patients also experienced the worst scaring when compared to patients with higher levels of vitamin D.

However, proposing vitamin D3 supplementation is often overlooked by those in medical practice.

Examinations of burn victims show that such injuries reduce vitamin D levels, yet increasing these levels through supplementation will not only improve the outcome for the patients but is a cost effective treatment.

RELATED: The most effective supplements containing vitamin D3

How Does Vitamin D Prevent Life Threatening Infection?

Those severe burn injury patients become a higher risk for infection which can lead to sepsis; sepsis can be life threatening.

Fortunately, it is a medical fact that vitamin D includes antibacterial actions, this antibacterial power can potentially combat the risk of infection and as a result, assist in the wound healing in patients who have suffered serious burns.

Further study is ongoing to asses at what rate vitamin D levels drop immediately after a burn injury and the reasoning behind this sudden loss.

These ongoing studies may be able to pave a way to prevent future complications for patients.


Are Vitamin D Levels Concurrent With Burn Severity?

It seems that the level or severity of the burn experienced by a patient does not relate a reduction of vitamin D.

Therefore, regardless of the burn, increasing vitamin D levels will help.

As already touched upon, vitamin D has further benefits to health and is the reason why it is found in the best testosterone booster supplements…

Not only can it increase testosterone levels but is also crucial for other bodily functions such as the immune system, can improve cardiovascular health, combat asthma, flu and studies have shown improvements for mood and even cancer.

As a result, in the United Kingdom the government body, Public Health England advise that the British population should take a vitamin D supplement to ensure that people can get an adequate amount during the darker, winter months when it is impossible to get enough sunlight exposure.

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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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