Which Potato For Maximum Testosterone?

Which Potato For Maximum Testosterone?

Potato and Testosterone

Sweet versus white potato

When cooking up a simple meal potato is often included, but did you know one type can benefit your testosterone levels more than another?

Nearly everyone loves a good spud.  Be it fried, mashed, steamed, baked or in the form of chips.

The common consensus is that sweet potato is better than a regular maris piper potato which is much lighter, almost beige or white in color.

I wanted to delve a little deeper in to this as I was trying to get my mother to swap to sweet potato because it was “better”.

She kept asking why, and I didn’t really have an answer other than “it just is”.

So that got me thinking, is a sweet potato really better? Can your choice of potato make that much of an effect?

And, most importantly…which one is better for Testosterone production.

So lets take a look at the nutritional value of each and finally give my mother a valid answer…

Potato Vs. Sweet Potato – the FACTS!

testosterone potato comparison


So from an initial glance, we are free from all fats here with both which is fantastic, there’s no cholesterol too either so that is another worry off your mind.

>>See our TOP 3 Testosterone Boosters<<

However, what is really interesting are the remaining nutritional’s… there’s less sugar, less carbs a little less dietary fiber but considerably less sugar more protein and importantly more Vitamin B6.

There’s only a tiny bit less Magnesium with a regular potato compared to a sweet potato!

What is good to see is the high level of Potassium which is very important if you partake in sports as it helps prevent cramp of the muscles.

A regular white potato does provide slightly more vitamin C than its sweet contemporary.

However, sweet potato does contain high amounts of vitamin A.

I find them all startling statistics quite frankly.

As we know from previous article we need Magnesium and B6 for testosterone production.

However, with the lack of fats, less carbs and more protein found in a regular compared to sweet potato I actually think overall the regular potato is the better choice for your meals especially if you are looking to gain muscle and get ripped.

Video Review

Nutrient Review

Let’s take a look at how each ingredient can benefit us for maximising testosterone production.

Vitamin A

Studies have illustrated that when subjects are fed a diet that is deficient in vitamin A they have experienced testicular wastage.

This is similar to muscle atrophy when the muscle is not used.

The conclusion was that if you are deficient in vitamin A you will exhibit lower levels of testosterone. [1]

White potato – 0 %

Sweet potato – 283%


Supplementing with calcium is beneficial for testosterone production when you are working out, this is proven by science.

The research found that testosterone levels are increased by physical training, this is fairly standard knowledge.

However, they also found that test levels were increased furthermore when athletes were supplementing calcium. [2]

White potato – 1%

Sweet potato – 3%

Vitamin D

The most popular and most cost effective way to get vitamin D is to expose your skin to the sunlight. This is then converts in to a hormone and will increase testosterone levels while also improving other areas of health.

While it is found in some food sources such as eggs, neither potato includes any vitamin D. [3]

White potato – 0%

Sweet potato – 0%

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 appears to have a significant role in sperm quality and fertility in men.

Those men that are infertile have lower concentrations of this water soluble vitamin, and studies have demonstrated that by administering B12 to infertile men it has increased sperm motility. [4]

White potato – 0%

Sweet potato – 0%

Vitamin C

Vitamin C help increase and improve blood flow, but further research in to this popular and widely acclaimed vitamin also shows that hormone levels are also increased in high doses – especially testosterone levels. [5]

White potato – 32%

Sweet potato – 4%


There’s reason to suggest that low levels of iron, anaemia and low testosterone are linked.

Clinical research has proven that those with low levels of testosterone are at an elevated risk of anaemia. [6]

So do not be put off or scared by the regular potato, I bet the preachers of sweet potato in the gym have never done this research at all!

White Potato – 4%

Sweet potato – 3%

Vitamin B6

Those who were provided with a diet that was free of vitamin B6 saw a significant reduction in testosterone.

We have previously reported that B6 has a positive effect on testosterone levels and it also helps lower inflammation. [7] [8]

White potato – 15%

Sweet potato – 10%


On to our final nutrient, we have the important magnesium. This mineral has a influence on the anabolic hormone testosterone. If you are low on magnesium you will be low on testosterone. [9]

White potato – 5%

Sweet potato – 6%

Testosterone & Potato Conclusion

Okay, so basically a quick run through the nutrients show that we are at a tie.

There are four greens apiece for each potato variant.

What really sticks out to me is that generally speaking, while there may be differences in the nutrient recommended daily intake (RDI) they tend to be fairly close.

This is except for vitamin A which is found abundantly in the sweet potato yet there’s nothing in the white potato.


There’s less carbs, less sugar, less sodium, fewer calories yet more protein and potassium in the white potato compared to the sweet potato.

While a sweet potato makes a nice variation, I think I am sticking with the maris piper!


[1] Evidence of a role for retinoic acid (vitamin A-acid) in the maintenance of testosterone production in male rats. Appling DR, Chytil F. Endocrinology. 1981 Jun;108(6):2120-4. PMID:7227300

[2] Testosterone levels in athletes at rest and exhaustion: effects of calcium supplementation. Cinar V, Baltaci AK, Mogulkoc R, Kilic M. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2009 Summer;129(1-3):65-9. doi: 10.1007/s12011-008-8294-5. Epub 2008 Dec 20. PMID:19099204

[3] http://www.catie.ca/en/treatmentupdate/treatmentupdate-185/nutrition/can-vitamin-increase-testosterone-concentrations-men

[4] [Clinical experience with methylcobalamin (CH3-B12) for male infertility]. Isoyama R, Kawai S, Shimizu Y, Harada H, Takihara H, Baba Y, Sakatoku J. Hinyokika Kiyo. 1984 Apr;30(4):581-6. Japanese. PMID:6485962

[5] Ascorbic acid treatment elevates follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone plasma levels and enhances sperm quality in albino Wistar rats. Okon UA, Utuk II. Niger Med J. 2016 Jan-Feb;57(1):31-6. doi: 10.4103/0300-1652.180570. PMID:27185976

[6] Low testosterone levels and the risk of anemia in older men and women. Ferrucci L, Maggio M, Bandinelli S, Basaria S, Lauretani F, Ble A, Valenti G, Ershler WB, Guralnik JM, Longo DL. Arch Intern Med. 2006 Jul 10;166(13):1380-8. PMID:16832003

[7] https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/vitamins/vitamin-B6
[8] https://academic.oup.com/endo/article-abstract/32/1/97/2773721?redirectedFrom=fulltext

Age-related changes in plasma testosterone concentrations and genital organs content of bulk and trace elements in the male dromedary camel.

Al-Qarawi AA, Abdel-Rahman HA, El-Belely MS, El-Mougy SA. Anim Reprod Sci. 2000 Sep 1;62(4):297-307. PMID:10924832


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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.
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