BPI Sports Testosterone

BPI Sports Testosterone

Explore a comprehensive analysis of this testosterone booster supplement from BPI Sports called A-HD Elite.

I will unravel the formula and see whether there is any evidence available in human subjects to verify the product claims.

There will also be a focus on the dose, and other real-world user experiences to see if this product has the power to transform your physique and performance.

BPI Sports A-HD Elite Testosterone Booster First Look

The manufacturers claim that this natural supplement is laboratory certified (whatever that means) and you “may experience healthy test levels, a leaner more muscular physique, increased libido and stamina”.

We are also told that this is a 500mg double strength cycle, which omits the additional 15mg which is listed on the supplement facts label.

There’s also more information on the box that this product is “an extremely powerful testosterone-supporting agent”

But, on a personal level, I do like the design, I like the box and the color scheme, although if I’m honest it all seems a little bit small.

The reason why I’m concerned about the size of the product is that it would seem to me that the doses would be small so clearly if it’s a very small bottle you’ve either got very few pills or you’ve got pills which are very small and if the very small they’re going to have very little amount of ingredients. And, as we know certain ingredients or most ingredients are only effective based on several parameters such as the dose there’s no point in dosing a product that isn’t going to be effective because then it’s just a waste of money for the consumer.

Furthermore, the packaging states that the user may experience healthy testosterone levels a leaner more muscular physique and an increase of stamina and libido which are quite large claims for such a small product.

An initial concern is that looking at the supplement facts section it shows there is a proprietary blend consisting of five ingredients, the product also contains gelatin which means that it isn’t suitable for vegans or vegetarians.

Why is Testosterone so Important?

Testosterone is the male sex hormone responsible for controlling sperm production, muscle mass development, fat distribution, mood regulation, and sexual drive – so its deficiency can cause all manner of uncomfortable and potentially hazardous symptoms and conditions, from reduced libido to cardiovascular disease.

Hormone levels fluctuate dramatically during adolescence and continue to change gradually through early adulthood and beyond for both genders. While this fluctuation is natural, its effect can lead to physical changes such as reduced muscle bulk, body hair loss, and difficulty having erections (commonly known as low T).

The good news is that improving your testosterone levels has been demonstrated to increase muscle mass, decrease body fat percentage, and a renewed sense of energy and vitality.

An optimal level of testosterone also strengthens bones by increasing density and decreasing bone resorption rates, an important benefit for men entering middle age or later as low levels may lead to osteoporosis. Testosterone promotes healthy sleep patterns and may even help protect against depression.

Introducing BPI Sports

Ok, so looking at the BPI Sports website we can see that they have a load of different supplements these range from pre-workout supplements to the test booster like we’re reviewing today and fat burners amino acids, etc.

We can also see that they have a fairly large list of influencer-type people or ambassadors such as Mike O’hearn who promotes their products. The only reservation I have of this is that Mike is using anabolic steroids to enhance his body composition and the use of these supplements from BPI would probably have very little difference or make very little difference to his physique.

Furthermore, BPI sports are actively asking their customers to promote the product in cash return, which is no bad thing but money talks, and people are more than likely to promote something whether or not it is effective to earn money.

Additionally, when browsing their website I wanted to find out more about the company and its history yet there’s very little substance, it doesn’t tell you anything about how the company was started, who is behind the company, and why the company was established. It’s all very generic. While the website looks good there is very little substance behind the visuals.

A-HD Elite Ingredients

A-HD elite only has six ingredients and each daily serving consists of only 515 milligrams so let’s take a closer look at each ingredient and see whether they offer any benefit.

Zinc – 15mg

Zinc is an essential mineral to optimal health and an integral component of DNA synthesis and testosterone synthesis, making it an excellent natural way to increase testosterone levels and treat symptoms associated with low testosterone.

Zinc deficiency directly interferes with testosterone production, and can be one of the main contributors to hypogonadism (low testosterone). Studies indicate that taking zinc supplements can reverse this decline and even increase testosterone production for some individuals.

Food sources that contain zinc include oysters, red meat, nuts, beans and dairy – these all provide plenty of essential nutrient. Vegans and vegetarians may find it more difficult than others to reach the recommended daily dosage through diet alone; supplements can be easily found at grocery stores but should always consult a healthcare provider first as taking too much zinc can cause zinc toxicity resulting in nausea and diarrhea symptoms.

Supplements such as Korean red ginseng, L-Arginine, and carnitine may claim to boost testosterone levels; however, zinc stands out among them as providing significant advantages that help both improve testosterone levels as well as treat erectile dysfunction for those with low levels. Furthermore, zinc may increase the effectiveness of other treatments for ED.

Montanoa Tomentosa

I jumped into the research regarding montanoa extract to see whether there were any conclusive studies for its benefits in humans. Unfortunately, all the studies were based on that rather than human trials.

One study published in 2004 found that there is experimental evidence suggesting this plant extract possessed some aphrodisiac properties in rats. Further reports looking at the benefits of herbal therapeutic products also found that this plant extract will increase sexual activity but again the research is based on the animal model rather than humans.

Chenopodium album

I was keen to look at the research and studies available for this particular extract as well. One study published in 2019 found that this extract could help protect against environmental toxins in turn promoting daily sperm production and helping repair or prevent DNA damage but again this is in the animal model and not humans.

Further research published in the biomedical and pharmacology journal again looks at sexual function and how this extract may help. But again the results and the study were based on the animal model, and in this case, it was mice.

Caesalpinia Benthamiana

Interestingly when I looked into the research of this particular extract there was very little evidence from the liable sources that this would improve testosterone levels in humans. However, a published study from 2021 shows that this extract among others could have a detrimental effect on the reproductive function with prolonged use and may not be safe for healthy males to use if they want to reproduce and be fertile enough to have a child with their partner.

An earlier study that was published in 2008 looked at the effects of this extract or the roots of this extract to see what effect it would have on their sexual behavior. The results were that sexual activity of male rats was enhanced which may have been the result of an increase of nitric oxide production. However, it is important to understand that this study was published before the 2021 study previously mentioned.

Curcuma Longa

The available research online shows that this herb decreases androgenic activity which in turn can help reduce prostate cancer. Further research published in 2020 shows that this ingredient can improve sperm quality and improve testosterone levels in diabetic rats another study published in 2022 shows that again this ingredient can enhance testosterone levels and nitric oxide levels but this was based on research using Baladi bucks, not humans.

Trichopus Zeylanicus

This supposedly medicinal plant has been used by tribes in South India for many years. There is a large review that was published in August 2019 to look at the therapeutic benefits of this particular plant. Whilst there seem to be many therapeutic effects all of the studies were based on rats and mice and again not on humans.

Benefits of A-HD Elite

It seems the only way that you will benefit from this product is if you are a rat a mouse or a buck.

Jokes aside there is only one ingredient in this product that has a wealth of adequate evidence to suggest it will enhance and support healthy testosterone levels and that ingredient is zinc the further five ingredients wrapped up in the proprietary blend have no human evidence that they will improve testosterone levels.

Negative Points

Where do I start regarding the negative points of this product?

Let’s look at the low daily dose which is less than 600 milligrams, and then let’s take a look at the five ingredients notwithstanding zinc. Those five ingredients that fall within the proprietary blend do not have any human evidence that they are beneficial to improve, enhance or support hormonal balance.

Furthermore, a proprietary blend means that we have no idea of how much is included in each ingredient many of the studies I found did outline the milligrams per kilo required to be effective in those animal studies.

The product isn’t suitable for vegetarians or vegans.

Dose Guidelines

As already mentioned the daily dose is quite low at 515 milligrams. This is low compared to other products that have over 2,000 milligrams for instance. Furthermore, when I inspected the product some of the capsules looked less than half full.

Testimonials for Users

I find the testimonials for this product quite surprising because there are 44 reviews in total on their website and 43 of them are five-star reviews with just one review being 4 stars many people say the product works well and increases energy. That said this product has been around for a long time and maybe it’s quite surprising there are only 44 reviews maybe many of these reviews have been cherry-picked to display on their website so people are more inclined to buy the product.

Comparing A-HD Elite to other products

This product from BPI Sports isn’t particularly good. The dose is low, the number of ingredients is low and the number of ingredients with solid evidence to help support hormone balance equates to just one of six which isn’t very positive overall and offered me no benefit whilst using it.


This testosterone booster from BPI sports is going to have very little effect on your performance or testosterone levels whatsoever zinc will have some benefit but this could be bought as a standalone supplement for a very low price. My opinion based on the research available and my own experience is this is a product you should overlook there are much better testosterone boosters available on the market.

Our Favorite Test Boosters

> Increase Natural Testosterone Production

> Build Slabs Of Muscle

> More Energy

> Increase Strength

> Improve Overall Well Being

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BPI A-HD Elite Testosterone Booster
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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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