Testosterone Booster for Women : HighT Libido Booster Review

Testosterone Booster for Women : HighT Libido Booster Review

Testosterone Booster for Women: HighT Libido Booster Review First Look:

Most natural test boosters always seem to be marketed towards the muscle Maries.

This is fine, but testosterone benefits all men of all ages and physical shapes.

In fact, you may not know that it also benefits women, too…

A healthy hormone balance is key to healthy bodily function, there are studies available that demonstrate women who are both menopausal and post menopausal have experienced an increased sex drive and increased sexual pleasure when compared to those using a placebo.

The studies regarding testosterone and women date back to the 1940’s where the link between testosterone and libido were first observed.

These studies petered off but then resurfaced in the 2000’s which stimulated more research.

In fact, 88% of physicians now recognize that there is a link between low testosterone levels in women and a low libido.

In addition, over half of these would advise that there was some form of testosterone  treatment required to increase hormone levels.


A further study showed that over a quarter of (pre-menopausal) women and over half of postmenopausal women suffer from a low libido.

[West SL, D′Aloisio AA, Agans RP, Kalsbeek WD, Borisov NN, Thorp JM. Prevalence of Low Sexual Desire and Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder in a Nationally Representative Sample of US Women. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168(13):1441–9.]

Additional studies also observed an increase and positive effect on sexual desire, masturbation, increased sexual activity, increased sexual satisfaction including orgasm for those women who have received treatment to increase their testosterone levels.

[Davis SR, McCloud P, Strauss BJ, Burger H. Testosterone enhances estradiol’s effects on postmenopausal bone density and sexuality. Maturitas. 1995;21(3):227–36.]

Then there’s a link between increased testosterone and sexual fantasies and sexual thoughts which can lead to an increased sexual satisfaction.

[Fritz MA, Speroff L (2011). Postmenopausal hormone therapy. In Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology and Infertility, 8th ed., pp. 749–857. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.]

However, we’re not quite finished with just that. There’s also positive news regarding cardiovascular health…

A study showed that increasing testosterone levels in women was able to offer cardiovascular protection.

[Lellamo F, Volterrani M, Caminiti G, Karam R, Massaro R, Fini M, et al. Testosterone therapy in women with chronic heart failure: a pilot double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(16):1310–6.]

Of all the studies, there were no adverse effects recorded nor were there any negative impact to health other than what could be considered within the normal parameters.

Ingredients: The Science

Vitamin E – Plays an important role in anabolic hormone production for males.


HMR Lignan – This can increase estrogenic activity according to studies.


Niacinamide (Vit B3) – Higher amounts of niacin can improve cholesterol levels and lower cardiovascular risks and maybe symptoms for Alzheimer’s .

However, the jury is out on these real benefits.


Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – Gives you more energy and boost your metabolism, helping you shed unwanted pounds.

Ensure you are not deficient in Vitamin B12 so you can do that quick 10 miler at 5am…

Also good for testosterone levels


Rhodiola rosea – Can protect against cognitive deficits, neuronal injury and oxidative stress, can also be used as a potential agent in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

This is found in our favorite Nootropic.


L-Dopa (Macuna Pruriens) – This is actually good for treating people with Parkinsons.

There’s a mixed bag of results for testosterone but look mainly positive.

Results have shown an increase in testosterone levels in infertile men, however, results are very limited for fertile men.

It is effective to reduce cortisol levels – high stress levels can harm testosterone production.


Passiflora Caerulea (Passionflower) – At best this seems to prevent or at least alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and insomnia.

If you are not getting any sleep, you are not releasing growth hormone.


Cocoa Bean Extract – Studies show that in conjunction with a controlled diet, cocoa bean extract may play a role in body weight management.


Panex (Korean) Ginseng – This form of Ginseng is the most highly researched.

There’s lots of evidence which suggest cognitive function, mood and immunity is increased, however, although there is evidence for better erections and an increase in testosterone production for infertile men.

It can also improve cognitive function.


Damiana – This has seen to sexually invigorate rat test subjects. Evidence on Damiana Leaf is lacklustre.

Not too many studies have been conducted on it.


Arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) – Tests on supplementation draw no real benefit that would not be found from resistance training itself.


Maca Root – This Peruvian strain of ginseng is great for lifting libido and mood, however, when it comes to raising testosterone levels it has no effect at all.

No significant influences on testosterone in any tested demographic I’m afraid.


Zinc – An aphrodisiac and Testosterone Booster.

Zinc is also very important for the functioning of the enzyme, hormone, and immune systems.In very high doses, zinc can act as an aromatase inhibitor and reduce estrogen levels.

It is also a potent antioxidant and can provide benefits for prostate issues.


Vitamin B6 – Vitamin B6 helps testosterone levels by stimulating androgen (a steroid hormone that acts as a precursor for testosterone) receptors in your body, making your testes produce testosterone.



Two pills daily.

We would recommend that you have at least 4 tablets spread evenly across the day, as per the best testosterone booster on the market.

This way your body has a constant trickle of the ingredients to work with in order to stimulate testosterone.

Each daily servings consists of 943.548mg which is not high at all, not especially when compared to other supplements.


This is aimed at women.

Yet, a few of these ingredients have been seen to increase testosterone levels (which is responsible for libido amongst other functions) in men only.

However, the ingredients included that are not specifically related to testosterone production in men are:

  • Zinc
  • B6
  • B12
  • L-dopa

Rhodiola is good for cognitive function and Passion Flower is good to help you sleep as well as reduce anxiety.

HMR Lignan seems to increase estrogen levels which is the female sex hormone.


A few of these ingredients are only useful for infertile men or men.

Then there are some that have no proven benefit at all to do anything for either men or women when it comes to hormone levels.

This is also comprises partly of a proprietary blend which means we are not entirely sure exactly what the ingredient breakdown is.

A proprietary blend conceals the amount of each ingredient listed that is included.

The overall daily dose is low, too.

So while this is specifically aimed at women, there’s little to stipulate this apart from the pink coloring on the box and the HMR Lignan to increase estrogen levels.

Testosterone Booster for Women: HighT Libido Booster Review Conclusion:

This is specifically marketed towards women to increase test levels and increase libido as well as energy.

However, then there’s a number of ingredients that do not work and a few more that really only seem to hold results for infertile men or men, not women.

These products then offer the additional required ingredients that are clinically proven to increase testosterone levels such as:

  • DAA
  • K2
  • Vitamin C
  • Oyster
  • D3
  • Magnesium

As such, you can find much better product that will be effective for both sexes and even those who claim to be gender neutral, here.

Our Favorite Test Boosters

> Increase Natural Testosterone Production

> Build Slabs Of Muscle

> More Energy

> Increase Strength

> Improve Overall Well Being


Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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