360CUT Yohimbine HCL Appetite Support Fat Burner // Is It Dangerous?

360CUT Yohimbine HCL Appetite Support Fat Burner // Is It Dangerous?

360 CUT Yohimbine HCL Fat Burner First Look:

Yohimbine crops up a few times in fat burner supplements.

It is known as a powerful stimulant with a benefits of not only just fat reduction but also impotence.

As with many product from 360Cut, this contains just 1 ingredient which is great when you want to increase your Vitamin C intake but a bit of a inconvenience when you wish for multiple ingredients to maximize results.

Overall this fat burner follows the familiar 360Cut protocol by looking exactly the same as every other product which looks good but can be confusing unless you are really careful.



Yohimbe – Related to Yohimbine, Yohimbe is a powerful stimulant and used to increase fat loss as well as assist with erectile dysfunction. Can cause a host of other problems though, this is in out supplements to avoid list.

Supplementation with yohimbine combined with resistance training does not significantly alter the body mass, muscle mass, or performance indicators.




The advice is to take 2 tablets daily. This provides a maximum of 5mg per day.

As with any supplement such as this we would recommend a dose of 4 pills/soft gels to be taken evenly throughout the day to minimize large peaks and troughs of the nutrients to be utilized by your body as with the best products.

Benefits & Effects

In tests on athletes this ingredients has lead to fat loss compared to placebo. So that is great. It is effective.

However, you need a dose of around 0.2mg per KG of body weight.

I am 90kg which equates to around 200lbs and would require a daily dose of 18mg. Not 5mg as you would get with this product by following their recommended guidelines.

That means I would have to take 7 or 8 tablets per day for my correct dose which would last me 11 days



Well, it is potentially dangerous which is not exactly promising.

Plus, with these such small doses it can hardly be called effective when I would need a dose 4 times of what is instructed.

Considering it is a strong stimulant the studies show that it does not enhance body mass, muscle mass or performance.

360 CUT Yohimbine HCL Fat Burner Review Conclusion

Let’s cut (pun intended) straight to the point with this.

Yohimbine can cause some problematic issues. Issues that can be avoided and as such Yohimbine is not present in some of the best fat burners available today.

Not only that, even if you did want to risk the potential side effects this offers such a low dose that you would need to quadruple the daily dose.

There are also other fat burner’s which do include Yohimbine along with a wealth of other ingredients and offer a much higher dose.

Therefore I cannot understand why 360Cut have been so underwhelming with their offering.

It is also omitting so many good, proven and well regarded ingredients as found with other products.




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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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