Gradual Fat Burning Plan Is More Effective Than A Blitz

Gradual Fat Burning Plan Is More Effective Than A Blitz

In a recent study of the TV shoe ‘biggest loser’ it showed that once the program had finished the contestants (yes, contestants) put much of the weight they had lost back on, in fact in some cases they regained more weight than they had originally came on the show with.


Now does this surprise us? Not really.

The contestants are put on a extreme course of exercise and dieting which is not only unsustainable, it destroys muscle mass which is a bad thing. No matter what, regardless of the diet or weight loss regime a loss of muscle mass is not a good thing. We should be more focused on the body fat index rather than weight itself. I am 5’9″ weigh in at over 200lbs and have a BFI of around 13%, for me to lose weight I would be concerned that my muscle mass was suffering rather than fat.


Do remember than the more muscle mass we hold the more calories are utilized maintaining that muscle. When the contestants are put on this ‘lose weight fast’ program their bodies are overwhelmed and unsure how to deal with this sudden influx of exercise and lessening of food or calorie intake that it is used too. Once the exercise stops and the calories start to be consumed again the bodies metabolism slows drastically returning to their former ways and in cases as this, return with more abundance leaving the contestants in a worse place. Now, this makes good TV, people weighing in at hundreds of pounds knocking on the door of cardiac arrest whilst being screamed at, forced in to grueling exercise regimes and having their every calorie governed by drill sergeants. However, it isn’t a model of losing fat…for good. A model of a more gradual approach, with small but progressive changes is more sustainable and likely to last much longer which will benefit trainee.

Try the tips below to start your journey to better health and fat loss:

  • Start slowly – don’t just go straight in to running 5 miles, it will only hurt, make you sick and you’re less likely to get those running shoes on again to do it again. Maintain consistency – stick to your plan of training twice or three times a week. Do not start to skip days or rearrange the days as this will lead to a gradual decline in commitment. Gradually increase the distance, weight or weights. Ensure you have a progressive program in place otherwise you will stagnate and the initial gainz will stagnate.
  • In order to lose fat, the days of endless cardio are now being replaced with weight and resistance training. Tireless pounding of the treadmill or streets is fast becoming replaced with cycling (which is less damaging to the joints) but moreso by weight training. Building and maintain muscle mass is the key, endless cardio is a sure way of diminishing those hard earned pecs and quads. In order to get the best from weight training familiarize yourself with a barbell at your local gym. The barbell is the key to burn fat, increase muscle mass and tone plus releasing more of your natural growth hormone: testosterone.
  • There are only 5 exercises that you need to focus on, any isolation exercises at this point are not necessary and are best used for bodybuilders looking to sculpt. 5 compound (multi-joint) exercises will provide the most overall benefit to building muscle, strength and losing unwanted body-fat. Try the 5 listed below and remember to start of small and progressively increase the repetitions and weight, set yourself goals and keep a log to keep track of your gainz.
  1. Deadlift – this hits so many muscle groups and helps you build monstrous strength and muscular development in your legs, back and shoulders.
  2. Bench press – dips are also just as beneficial. A great way to target your upper body, using a barbell will develop many secondary muscle groups used in order to stabilize.
  3. Squats – the king of exercises to develop your lower body and back. Great for excreting testosterone.
  4. Pull ups – these will develop a broad back and arms, once hated by myself when you start to see results you’ll always do them. Get a dips belt to load with extra weight when the time comes.
  5. Overhead press/Military Press – these will require great stability and develop that core. Do not go to heavy and risk your shoulder joints (rotator cuff) but see those shoulders develop and improve that shoulder to waist ratio which can create an illusion of weight loss.

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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.
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