Insulin Human Growth Factor, Resistance Exercise and Vitamin D

Insulin Human Growth Factor, Resistance Exercise and Vitamin D

Many people are deficient in the most abundant and free nutrients.

Just as nearly every form of life on earth requires sunlight to grow and develop, so do humans.

This article looks at the importance of vitamin D on insulin growth factor.

LAST UPDATED: March 2019 by Ben.

This article is supported with cited references.

Sunshine Vitamin

While it may not seem relevant, people are just not getting enough sunlight which provides the vitamin D that we need.

Instead of being out in the sunshine, people are stuck inside office blocks, vehicles and factories.

Then there’s the fear of UV rays, ageing and skin cancer.

This has led to a vitamin D deficiency, and, as populations age, this is no more prevalent than in the the elderly.

Yet a alack of vitamin D is related to muscle weakness which can reduce mobility and then in turn increase bone fracture risk when a person falls.

Yet, it isn’t just the elderly who are affected.

Those from races where their skin color is darker are also at risk, as it is harder for the suns rays to penetrate their skin.

Not only is vitamin D required and important for bone health, skins and natural testosterone levels but evidence is available that would suggest vitamin D is an important factor to ensure there is a normal level of insulin secretion by the pancreas.

Animal studies have highlighted the effectiveness of vitamin D treatment in improving insulin secretion. [1]

Furthermore, human studies have demonstrated that vitamin D treatment administered to subjects who were vitamin D deficient saw an increase of insulin secretion.

This is vital for muscular function, creation of energy and prevent fracture risk factors.

vitamin d pills and body

Insulin-like Growth Factor

The benefits of an increased level of insulin-like human growth factor are and not limited to the below [2] [3]:

  1. Reduces the risk of diabetes
  2. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
  3. Prevents low bone mineral density
  4. Improves cognitive function
  5. Increases antioxidants
  6. Prevents muscle waste and increases muscle development
  7. Can help decrease inflammation


A study took place that discovered vitamin D3 supplementation when combined with exercise saw a increase of insulin-like human growth factor and a more coherent delivery of such to human tissues.

However, there was further success for those participants who incorporated resistance exercise.

They performed the squat, bench press, leg press and lateral pull downs of 50% their 1 rep max strength.

For these participants they not only increased delivery and secretion of insulin-like human growth hormone but also conserved more of it which increased muscle well being, this stimulates more growth. [4]

For those who suffer from a growth hormone deficiency, supplementing with 7,000iu of vitamin D3 per week can increase insulin-like growth factor levels. [5]

You can also read more on the reasons why you should supplement your diet with a vitamin D3 product for overall improved health, here.


It is considered that a wide section of the global population are at risk from vitamin D deficiency which can affect health levels. [6]

This deficiency is often associated with low levels of testosterone and insulin growth factor hormone.

Therefore, it can have a negative impact on many bodily functions and processes.

In studies, those that were supplementing with vitamin D3 demonstrated and increase of insulin growth factor levels which contributed to increased muscle growth and strength.

Thus, there is a clear correlation between muscle strength, growth and vitamin D.








Vitamin D, Insulin Growth Factor and Testosterone
Article Name
Vitamin D, Insulin Growth Factor and Testosterone
We look at the relationship between vitamin D, insulin growth factor levels and testosterone.

Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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