Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia Plus Tablets Fat Burner Review

Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia Plus Tablets Fat Burner Review

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Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia Plus Fat Burner First Look:

If this isn’t ‘healthy living’ inspired I do not know what is.

Looking to cash in on the ‘juicing’ crowd and those shopping at Whole Foods, this sets itself apart from the many fat burners we see on the market that have a struggling image problem trying to straddle the gym life and pharmaceuticals to add a degree of credence.

It is also manufactured by America’s No.1 weight loss supplement which makes me wonder why they would deviate from something that works already for them…



Garcinia Cambogia – Supposedly helps people lose weight, however, trials have been unsubstantiated or at least unimpressive.


Green Coffee Bean – Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. These coffee beans contain a higher amount of the chemical chlorogenic acid.

For weight loss, chlorogenic acid in green coffee is thought to affect how the body handles blood sugar and metabolism. This is found in our favorite fat burner, Instant Knockout.


Calcium – There’s good evidence that diets high in calcium are associated with reduced rates of being overweight or obese.

Calcium stored in fat cells plays a crucial role in regulating how fat is processed and stored by the body. The more calcium there is in a fat cell, the more fat the cell will burn and the greater the weight loss.


However, a recent study has warned against calcium supplementation due to the increased risk of a heart attack.



The advice is to take up to 6 soft gels daily. This provides a maximum of 4160mg per day.

As with any supplement such as this we would recommend a dose of 4 pills/soft gels to be taken evenly throughout the day to minimize large peaks and troughs of the nutrients to be utilized by your body as with the best products.


This does offer a way in to weight loss.

The effective HCA as found in the Garcinia can help those who are stage 1 obese reduce visceral fat if dosed with 1000mg per day, strangely this product only offers 50% HCA from 1600mg of Garcinia which equates to 800mg.

Now, Green Coffee is great, and this is found in the best fat burner o the market, so it is hard to ignore its inclusion.

Calcium is another potentially effective ingredient to have in the fight against flab.

However, on the other side of the coin it can have some potentially bad effects on your heart as the concentrated calcium can build up a plaque in your arteries called Atherosclerosis.



What I find most astonishing is that from the trial conducted on obese participants 1000mg HCA daily was required over a 12 week period to reduce visceral fat. This provides 800mg!

This leads me on to the other issue with Garcinia, studies show a reduction of visceral fat in stage 1 obese people, not those otherwise healthy individuals who are looking to reduce the last remnants of fat to get shredded.

The calcium may cause issues with coated the arteries with a plaque of calcium build up placing more pressure on the heart.

The recommended dosing twice daily is not optimal either.

Purely Inspired Garcinia Cambogia Plus Fat Burner Review Conclusion

To be truly effective it needs the support from other ingredients like caffeine, B12, B6, cayenne peppers, green tea and the like which this is completely lacking.

The ingredients offer mixed messages. For those who are obese, this can help reduce visceral fat…with the right dose, something this is just short of.

Calcium does have its benefits but the negatives are not entirely clear cut.

That said, the inclusion of Green Coffee is the products only real master stroke.




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Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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