We Are Fit PRO TEST BOOST Testosterone Booster Review

We Are Fit PRO TEST BOOST Testosterone Booster Review

PRO TEST BOOST Testosterone Booster First look:

i often moan and whinge about the common look of testosterone booster supplements that either follow the same all white ‘pharma’ looking branding or the black branding as being all the same, boring and not at all original.

However, I may go back on my word with this little number from We Are Fit LLC.


The matt black finish looks a delight, as does the font/type-case employed.

Nothing more or less than that has made this look like a quality product that you could trust.


Take a look at our comparison chart to see which testosterone boosters offer the best results

Cissus Quadrangularis – Due to the ability of cissus quadrangularis to act as a glucocorticoid antagonist, it has been proposed to possess anabolic activity; no studies have yet addressed this topic.

Anecdotes of cissus seem to precede much of the science on the topic.


Hawthorn Berries – At best this ingredient may help with reducing inflammation and blood flow but there’s no concrete evidence to be found regarding increasing testosterone levels. Every article relating to testosterone increases with Hawthorn berries is on a site wanting you to buy them.

Saw Palmetto – this fatty acid was long touted to help boost testosterone levels, but those claims turned out to be false.

It is effective in suppressing prostate growth though. So could help if you are taking steroids or Prohormones.


Longjack (Eurycoma Longifolia, TongKat Ali) – Is a pro-fertility agent and aphrodisiac that appears to have a large body of evidence supporting this role and some evidence suggesting it may be an anti-estrogen and pro-erectile agent.

Although there’s some research to suggest it may increase testosterone levels in animals and humans it is pretty lackluster which doesn’t bode too well.


Magnesium – Research into magnesium supplementation also increased testosterone production in men.


Zinc – Studies show that this has a link with healthy testosterone production.


Horny Goat Weed – Epimedium, the suspected active component of horny goat weed, appears to act as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, similar to some drugs used for erectile dysfunction.

It does not, however, stimulate testosterone production.


Chrysin – Laboratory research suggests that chrysin might increase testosterone, but research in humans hasn’t found any effect on testosterone levels.

The amount of chrysin that is absorbed from the intestine may be very small, which would make the effects unlikely.


Tribulus – Once again, the old tribulus raises its ugly head.  The problem is that because this has been touted about for so long as a bit of a miracle plant extract used by the mysterious Eastern Bloc Olympic Athletes during the Cold War people have started to believe the hype and it is an easily recognizable ingredient the ill informed will have heard about down the gym.

The issue is that it has not been scientifically proven to raise testosterone levels in any shape or form.

In fact, in studies using elite professional Australian rugby players as participants Tribulus did not produce the large gains in strength or lean muscle mass that many manufacturers claim can be experienced.

Avoid like a medieval plague if you are looking for muscular gainz.




3 caps per day which is not too bad. We would always prefer 4 spread out over the course of the day rather than taking all these at once as instructed.

It is better to constantly feed your body with the ingredients to prevent substantial peaks and troughs.

This amounts to just 1305mg. Which is less than half of the best testosterone boosters on the market.

Benefits & Effects:

There are only 2 ingredients present that are scientifically related to stimulating more testosterone production, luckily they are dosed adequately too.

Other than that, the 3 pills per day dosing instructions is better than most testosterone boosters we see on the market.

At least this is not a proprietary blend too.

Yet, that’s all that is beneficial about this product.


Having only 2 ingredients that will increase testosterone in a testosterone booster is not too good.

The daily dose of less than 1500mg is nothing to shout home about.

However, overall the worst part is that there are 7 ingredients here that offer no testosterone boosting prowess whatsoever and relaying just on Magnesium and Zinc is not enough.

It is definitely not enough when you consider there are products out here that offer 8 or more solid, proven and effective ingredients.

When you read that and then consider this retails for $59.99 it really sinks in how little value is offered here as truly effective products such as Prime Male can be had for only a little extra.

PRO TEST BOOST Testosterone Booster Review Conclusion:

So I was taken aback by the sleek lines and matt finish.

I thought that a quality looking product could have translated in to a quality and effective product.

However, with so little benefit nor effectiveness on offer here I cannot recommend this product, no matter how pretty the frock.

This is like those fancy looking coupe’s that are based on a dreary sedan.

Look past the wheels, spoiler and pretty bodywork and you are left with something gutless.



Our Favorite Test Boosters

> Increase Natural Testosterone Production

> Build Slabs Of Muscle

> More Energy

> Increase Strength

> Improve Overall Well Being


Ben BA(Hons), PGCert

Ben established this site to be a free resource in 2015. Since then it has gained over half a million visits. He has always been interested in sport and he started playing rugby at the age of 6 represented his town, county and school. Ben also enjoys cycling, has started skiing and is in the Army Reserve representing his Regiment as part of the 150 Regimental Shooting Team. He holds a bachelor's and postgraduate degree in sport exercise & nutrition.

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